View Profile Zayne

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Recent Movie Reviews

10 Movie Reviews

Really quite good

That was really good. With the kind of 'public safety' message it had, I was expecting something contrite and dull, but you produced a really well done movie that both made a point and made me laugh (but then, I've got a dark sense of humour).

Good job.


I ordinarily don't like that kind of music, but you're right. The guy's voice is hilarious.

"Nerds should be allowed to dance."

I hope that becomes as famous as All your Base. I really, really do.

Anyway, the animation was clean, crisp and smooth, everything had a great flow to it, and it was just generally an awesome, awesome movie.

Very, very good.

The graphics were well done (even if they were just sprites. Point is you used them well.), the music was well coreographed (the number of movies I've watched today where the music doesn't fit and ruins the movie... ugh.) and everything went together nicely. Even the clock. I don't quite understand people's obsession with those things, but whatever...

Incidentally, the Zelda scenario was my favourite, but they were both very good. Nice work.

RupeeClock responds:

Thank you!

Yes, there are some sprite movies that don't make sense, the sprites have a white background around them, look like jpegs, and there's some sort of "Final Fantasy battle music" going on in the background when the flash is mario and stuff, I try to avoid that. XD

I'm glad you liked it. :)

Recent Game Reviews

2 Game Reviews

Absolutely without equal

That was, without any shadow of a doubt, and no small amount of hyperbole, THE MOST ADDICTIVE GAME EVER. You are a complete genius, and should work with the likes of Konami and Namco, making things like Katamari... Just... so very very good. Well done.

"I've killed a lot of people".

Age 37, Male

Computing Student

Stourbridge College

Birmingham, England

Joined on 5/18/05

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